Taam Haiir

I’m a regular visitor to the annual Israeli food festival – Taam Haiir. This year, it’s the 9th festival, and my 8th attendance.

I’ve been critisizing and complaning about it in the last 2 festivales, but i think something changed in my approach this year.

It started out as something nice, a lot of big fancy resteraunt i didn’t know, would come together, and sell their gorme, and expensive foods, in small quantities, and in very low prices.

I’ve eat new stuff, or rather, was introduced to new foods on the first few years i went there.
after the second, or third one i went to, i actually already knew most of the resteraunts there, and there wasn’t too much new food i could taste.
I’m not much big fan of seafood, not that i’m against it, but i just don’t like eating it. And a lot of the fancy resteraunt bring their seafood dishes there nowadays, so it limits my choices.

Two or three years ago, when i felt like i’ve tried everything i wanted in these events, i decided that the concept of it might be diffrent. Since it’s no longer a place to try out new stuff, it can act as a place to eat a lot, espacially – a lot of meat and deserts, and for cheap. And i was wrong. I thought to myself i’d eat big steaks for only 20NIS, but the matter of fact is that they costed 25NIS that year, and were tiny. I agree, you pay 60NIS for a steak at a resteraunt, but it’s diffrent, and it’s definently larger, and usualy better in taste.

So last year, and now this year, I regard Taam Haiir diffrently. I see it as a big food court. Like the one that every shopping mall has. Only it’s bigger, have a lot of people who come there, and it’s only open 4 days a year.
And since it’s a 10 minute bike ride from my house, there’s no point in not giong to have dinner there each day, as if it was your local neighborhood’s shopping mall’s food court.

So me and lee, went yesterday, with Assaf M. I ate some meat, Lee ate two hamburgers, actually 1 and a half, i ate half of one. I had a nice shishlik from “Shishlik Erez”. The same guy from “Lechem Erez” (Erez’s Bread) opens up a new shishlik resteraunt chain. I don’t like his bread one bit, but his antricot shishlik in a resteraunt made pita, was just yummy !
I need to find where one of these is located.
I had two deserts, one cake, and half a dish of strawberries and cream i’ve split with Lee.
Coming to think of it, i actually didn’t eat too much yesterday. Nor drank too much, when I got home, i’ve drank about 1/2 liter of juice in one sip.

I also bought my annual taam-haiir t-shirt. Their logo is very nice this year, just as it was last year.

For some strange statistical reason, i didn’t meet anyone i knew there. I usually do in these public events. I saw a few people i recognized, but i didn’t actually meet any of them, nor remembered who half of them were. I do know that i didn’t say hi, or got any hi’s from anyone.

I’m gonna be there today and tommorow, so come, and let me know when you do, and i’ll meet you.

Beteavon !

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