It’s time for our periodically spontatic burst of trivia contest :

Who went to see the movie “PROGNOSIS NEGATIVE !!” ??
What did he end up seeing instead ?
Why ?

If you can answer all these questions correctly, post a reply, and you can win a … ahmm… you can win… a….. some … some sort of … a… prize !
Yes ! That’ll fool them !
You can win some sort of a prize if you’re correct !

Good luck !


Participants are eligible to enrool to the ” periodically spontatic burst of trivia contest” only if their age complies with FCC regulation no. 1701-A regarding the amount of solar rotaions that have been seen since their inital date and must be a larger value then 18. Memeber of the press, friend, family or any one who knows any employee of the company who runs the “periodically spontatic burst of trivia contest” contest may not apply. All rights reserves. All rivers flows to the sea. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Where do the fish pee from. The end.

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