No news good news ?

Lee asked me yesterday why i don’t write anything new in my BLOG.

1. perhaps nothing too interesting happend in the world that was worth mentioning.
1a. perhaps some of the thing that did happen in the world had too low impact on my that i didn’t think it’s worth mentioning.

2. My work is draining my life force out of me.
2b. An article in slashdot points to an article in CNN about another guy who was fired because he blogged about his workplace.
2c. When i spend most of my time at work, i collect all too many issues and stories regarding work, and most of them aren’t very … positive. And regarding 2b i don’t want to get myself fired from work because of blogging. There are better ways to get one’s self fired. 😉

3 (= 1+2) : perhars the fact that my work is draining me mentally, causes the fact the I get less excited from stuff, and thus don’t hurry up to write about them.

A few examples:
I was suppose (or still AM) to go to London with Lee to see the premiere of Star Wars EP III. I really wanted to see it, and be part of the opening night Gala. But since she’s in school we had to wait to see if she has any mid-term exams tha conflicts with the flight.
there are. 2 of them One on the release date of the film and one a week afterwards (which might change in date).
I didn’t get too depressed or hurt by it, because i always knew that there’s a chance i’ll not see the movie like i wanted afterall.
So now, arrises compromise. I hate comprimising. When i comprimise i’m less excited, becasue then it’s not perfect.
So lee is disappointred that i’m not excited about our compromising trip to London.

4 (=2+2): I have to work this weekend.
Sure, it’s only 2 hours on Friday and 2 hours on Saturday. But it’s against EVERYTHING I STAND FOR in regards to work. Weekends are there so you can forget about your boring, annoying, stupid job, and escape to the wonderful realm of freedom (which is only an illusion since you’ll need to go to work AGAIN on sunday). Working DURING the weekend bursts the illusion bubble alltogether.
So i had an argument with my boss about it, and about the companies “flexible” working hours. which aren’t flexible AT ALL for me, but flexible to almost everyone else.
I won’t get into further details because of 2b.

5 (a prime number): Dilbert has the most insightful comics ever sometimes:

1D6: The IDF are the second most stupid organization in existance. Here’s some stuff about roleplayers and IDF:
In Slashdot
In YNET (english)
In Dork Tower

Here’s some optimism for you,. A list of things to look forward to :
– Today a new Star Wars EP III trailer comes out.
– I’m going to start playing SW:KOTOR2 today or tommorow, this will probably set me in a good mood, though addictive.
– I’m feeling like continuing work on my models, finishing the Space Shuttle Columbia model first.

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