Mind the gap – London days 1-4

I’m sitting here at the London Bakerloo line traint with Lee laptop and trying to force out memories of the past few day which have been so full of activities that I’ve forgot 90% of now, and probably forget about 9% of the rest in the future.
That’s why I take pictures. A LOT of pictures !
I’ve already taken something like 700MB of pictures which is close to 1400 pictures if I’m not wrong
True, some are panoramic views of places we’ve been to – making some 20 pictures here and there into one large pictures, but nevertheless I took a lot of pictures. I know that some day later I’ll watch them one by one. Just like I watch our Prague trip pictures. I remember how I used a small resolution and filled up those 64mb I had with about 400 pictures… and now, when I have 2*128MB + 1*64MB memory AND a laptop to empty the memory into I take SO FUCKING MANY PICTURES !!!
There were some really good ones I saw so far.

enough about pictures. It’s a blog entry about London, not pictures…
There are some weird people here on the underground train.
And talk about smokers ! GOD I hate smokers, and you can’t find any place to eat or drink where they don’t smoke. Plus we keep seeing these drug dealers, standing in corners, trying to sell you their stuff. Disgusting.

We’ve been to The science museum, and the natural history museum, went sightseeing at the big ben, the tower bridge next to the tower of London, Spend some time at a big toy store (and went out of it with less money), and then at the forbidden planet, a HUGE sci-fi oriented store where we’ll visit again to spend the last of our money…

We ate at a several nice places, including some fast food chain called pr?t-a-manger, ate at a pub some fish and chips and some sheperd’s pie, ate some good soup at another fast food place.
And we keep looking for places that have free wi-fi internet so we can hog on. Not much luck. Even the inhternet caf? we paid 1pound to sit there an hour didn’t allow us to use anything else but internet explorer for browsing…
I’m nearing the station we need to get off in, so I’m closing down the laptop.
See ya !

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