AL Lowe’s New Game

A few months ago, I though to myself: What is Al Lowe (Creator or the Larry series) up to.
Today, i got an announcement about his new game:

It’s Al Lowe’s CyberJoke 3000�

It’s late Tuesday night at E3 and my secret is secret no more! I just returned from iBase Entertainment’s very first press conference where we announced to the media what is by now obvious to you: I am doing a new game! Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure will be out in 2007 for PCs and next- and current-gen consoles.

The press conference was a blast. We had a big crowd; I’m sure you’ll start seeing talk about Sam Suede soon, first online and then later in print. But, more importantly, it’s just such a relief to finally be able to talk about this game! I’ve been working on it for over a year now, while still trying to maintain my “cover” as a retired guy playing golf and saxophone. Meanwhile, I’ve been working every day, all day, creating not only a fun game design, but a game development studio and a publishing company, too! I feel like Sam Suede: I’ve been Undercover and now it’s time to get a some Exposure! *grin*

So what is iBase Entertainment? Who is Sam Suede? What is Undercover Exposure? More on all that tomorrow. As they say, “stay tuned!”

Other then this email, and speculations from last there’s no mention about it on the web yet, and i’d wish i’ve been to E3 and heard about it in the press conference myself.
I’m just waiting for more news to pour in.. and of course, i’m waiting to play it !
Hey ! It’s an Al Lowe game !

Oh, Dana… you can also skip this one.
Yeah, I forgot to tell you that at the beginning of the post, but now i’m at the end of it and I just thought about telling you that too late.
Can’t go back now..

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