Meeting with the US Ambassador to Israel

By popular demans (Ori B.’s request) I’ll tell the tale of my meeting with the U.S. Embassador to Israel, Richard H. Jones..
As an MBA student i’m invited to all sort of events and cocktail parties.
This was one of them, the Wharton-Harvard-Tel-aviv MBA alumni association are having regular networking events which I had the pleasure of attending.
There was a small gathering followed by a lecture by ambassador about Intelectual properties, and copyrights.
He didn’t speak of anything too facinating in his speach, and following his speach the audience only asked him VERY boring political questions about Israeli and arabs.
There was only one thing exciting about his lecture.
He’s an inventor, and have a patent on a no tool lattice construction device, that he want to develop into a game that will teach kids geometry and maybe have some space applications.
That was very exciting to hear about. At the end of the talk, I approached him and gave him my business card, and the next awesome thing was that he recognized the name “Corbomite” !
Yes, The US Embassador to Israel is a Star Trek fan ! He even watched the original airing of “The Corbomite maneuver” !
I told him about Shatner’s arrival to Israel, which he was unaware of, I asked him if the embassy would like to help Starbase972 to bring over some more actors, and he said they might help us do that.
That’s all Ori !
You didn’t miss to much at the lecture itself, but the event was worth it for me
Hope you’re enjoying Diving in Eilat, Too bad you don’t keep a blog, because i’d love you hear your trip’s story.

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