Sheeer awesomeness

While going to Star to look for Psych’s dad who played Q2, I bumped into the new Star trek XI movie poster
Lee was there.
I was absolutly moved. It was a very influencial experience for me.
Star trek means a lot for me, and recently with the lack of new star trek content, we havn’t really been watching old star trek episodes, or giving much thought to Star trek.

The poster immidietly gave back the Joy and nostalgia of TOS i feel so deeply about.
The poster was the pure representation of everything i feel about Trek and what i would imagine the greatest trek film would be like.
First, it’s TOS. You definetly see it with the TOS insignia, and the blue/yellow colors.
It’s not another “let’s make up a new star trek (bad) idea”, it’s “Lets go back to the root, and make something good”
The last 3 TNG movies were pretty much “hey, let’s make a new (and mostly shitty) sci-fi movies and use the Star Trek frenchise”.
Sci-fi movies are good, but Star Trek is Awesome.
Generatoins was Awesome.
And Star Wars episode 1 was awesome.
It was new AND EXCITING, like Star trek XI !
I wasn’t as excited AT ALL obout Nemesis
But seeing the new poster nearly made me cry.

The crisp look, the pure accuracy for details like the exact color hue, the insignia, and the fabric texture, the fact that it’s a TOS film, and that some genius like JJ Abrahams is behind it, and not some shitty action director.

Anyways, i’m blurbing.
But ! I’m blurbing about star trek, and in a good way, since i’m actually excited about it.

Havn’t been this anticipating for anything since Star Wars Episode 3.

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