So Jeff Pulver invited us to a free, open-bar, really awesome party yesterday, along ith the rest of the people who were at last week’s Garage Geek’s lan party, as you could probably learn from the song i wrote for Baranabas.
So it was packed full, and swarming with top people from the Israeli high-tech arena.
And all the Garage geeks.
Both me and Lee had a lot of fun, and we got a chance to actually get drunk together, something that might have never happened before, due to driving circumstances.

Oh ! Here’s a tip for all you single dateless guys out there who find it hard picking up on girls in parties and getting their phone numbers.
The tip is: Have your beautiful blond girlfriend work the room for you, and talk to everyone around introducing you both. I got two girl’s phone numbers this way ! Hurray ! An all new record for me!

Sidenote: If i’m drunk enough next week, I might even compose music and record the barnabas song. Expect a short video on YouTube soon, or run for your life. Your choice. If you choose life go to page 203, if you choose youTube go to page 147.

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