Slow Start

This day started slow.
Took me about an hour to get out of bed. I just kept rolling in it.

I talked a bit with my friend Idan, who’s in Taiwan, installing their version of Ballerium – The game I used to work on.
But I don’t work at Majorem Anymore. It’s A long story. Most of my friend are already tired of hearing it. I’ll post it sometime in the near future for those who haven’t heard it.

I’m doing a long overdue backup of my computer, and burning stuff I download.
It’s a very tedious job. The burner is on the other computer, and I only have a 10MBit HUB, so it takes a while for the data to go from one computer to the other, then it takes time for each CD to actually burn, and then, I do a CD verification on my computer (I never trust CD’s. They are trecherous !).
so it takes a while. And it’s a bit boring. My computer isn’t resposive when i’m doing thfe verification.

I’m also adding new photos to the gallery in the background, but it takes time too !
Even though it uses the link to the picture instead of actually copying it, it still need to resize it, and make the thumbnail and stuff, and it takes time. I have SO MANY pictures, it will take me forever to add all them to the gallery…

Lee will be home soon, so we’ll do soemthing.

We’re are supposed to be going bowling later on in the evening with Amnon.

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