Old Hobby, New stuff.

I’ve recently restarted my model building hobby, mainly thanks to Lee, and the huge amount of free time i have, and will still have in the next few weeks.

Part for the fact that the living rooms smells like terpentine from the paint, it’s been lotsa fun doing some creative-ish work again.

Soon, a few new ships and other scif-fi vehicles will appear on my (new) display shelf.

Redecorating the house definently helped me restart, since now, not only my Model workshop area been reallocated to where it was most confortable for me to work, but we redecorated the living room, and added a few extra shelfs which are used for my models.

It’s been very fun, but a few things got me frustrated, mainly in regards to raw materials, and tools, which i had missing, and had to drive to a remote part of town where there’s no parking whatsoever. luckily I had a ride there with Assaf M. who waited for me in the car. I still need a lot more materials and equipment, and everything is expensive !
For instance, I need an airbrush to paint Voyager’s hull with. I have an airbrush nozzle but no compressor, so i use a can of condensed gas instead of a compressor. It costs a lot, and it ran out very quick. before i got 1/2 of the hull done !

I also had a very hard time picking up the correct color for voyager’s hull. It’s a certain shade of grey, and it’s recomended never to mix paint, since you won’t be able to do corrections in a later time. I couldn’t be satisfied with any of the colors i bought, so i mixed some color, and the airbrush gave up half a way through, so i had to throw away some expensive, mixed, and already diluted color..

On friday i’ll drive to Raanana to borrow Daniel Bram’s compressor as long as he doesn’t use it.

If anyone feels like buying me a compressor, I’m accepting early birthday presents for next year… 😉

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