S to the C, R, O double L,
My name is not normal but still i rock well.
It took Amnon 2 (TWO) weeks to find out where this quote is from.
I don’t think you can find where it’s from.
not YOU.
Homestarrunner.com‘s store holds a NEW item which i would very much like. Strong Bad email DVD’s.
If no one is going to buy them for my for my birthday or any other day, i’ll buy them for MYSELF !
HA !
I feel slightly drunk, but it’s only the anti-climex of takeing the test this morning.
no alcohol involved. only deep deniel.
Expect 6 more stages of posts. (anger, depression, etc…)
I started idleing in irc.cad-net.org (instead of just idling in irc.charsociety.net).
What a nice bunch of people.
I’m also drawing a bit of comics tryouts, and working on my Voyager model (AT LAST!!)
I need a scanner.
and a DVD-rom (or possibly a burner).
and a new 200+ GB fast hard drive.
and a cd-radio for my car.
and some marshmellow to put in coffee.
and i wouln’t mind going to outer space too.
So, If you havn’t noticed, i’ve put a nice little “donation” button right there on the right. feel free to use it.
1 dollar can save that poor kid from marshmellow starvation.
YOUR donation can make a big marshmellowee diffrence.
After all you couldn’t even guess where that line is from. Even though you had ALL the clues RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE.
Fuck. I need to find a job.
I’m going to play before depressio comes and takes over.
Home Star Runner got it’s own WIKIPEDIA !!!
Oooohh. there’s a new Strong Bad Email i havn’t seen.
BYE !!!