Excitement !!

Guys, This is it. That crazy insane idea i had two nights ago, and i’ve finally done it.

I’ve opened up a new website !!!

“Buy A Car For Ron Gilbert” is a website dedicated to the sole purpose of donating a car for the a grumpy, needy, old school game developer.
There’s something Ron Gilbert tends to complain about whenever someone mentions the comparison between the game industry and the movie industry. He says something like “if the game industry is so much like the movie industry, why don’t we get the fame and fortune movie starts do ?”

So i’m gonna start breaking the rules of the game industry and create the first ever game designer fas site. And hopefully in the future, with enough support from the fans, a fan club for Ron Gilbert.

Feel free to help or donate.
And if you want to help up with the website, there’s a LOT to do, and i can use some help with it.

So, Good luck to me !
And good luck Ron Gilbert, i hope you get a new car.

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