
So my new story idea for a film/sitcom goes like this:
Lets say someone is very unlucky.
Think: Harley in Lost, and i’ve only seen season 1, so no spoilers in comments, (Yes LeChuck2k i mean you)
And after a while he’ll become aware of that he is very unlucky, and that he will lose in everything that involves chance.
Cards, dice, trafic lights, bus arrivals, plane schedules. stocks. women.

Can this guys “cheat” luck ?
Can he become successful if he makes the opposite descision whenever he has to choose ?
Will it work, or will luck just switch along with it and make his choice the wrong choice again ?
If you know whatever choice you make iis the wrong one, and you choose the opopsite of that, does it make it the wrong one or not ?
Fate’s solution for me ?
If you’re very highly unlucky, the only way you’ll make it is if you have someone very lucky with you to balance it.
That’s why i claim i’m with Lee because HER luck overcomes my misfortune.

Wonder why I write this long phylosophical post ?
I got a blue screen of death, because of the display drivers, followed by a 3 hour long checkdisk that found bad sectors on the hard drive that warcraft is on, and on hte sectors warcraft is on.
So i’m using my secondary computer while it runs.
Too long..

I really need a new computer.
I really need money for a new computer.

It’s that old paaradox again, you sell out your time and your soul for money and you can’t use it because you’ve sold out your time to work.
I’d rather be a free poor then a wealthy slave.
Free, poor, with a 1,7 old computer pentium 3 with only 1/5gb ram and a GeForce 5200 that can’t run none of the games that are out today.

Damn it !

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